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ساختار حکومتی جمهوری اسلامی ایران/ THIS IS HOW IRAN IS RULED

Amin Persian Blogger

Updated: Jun 5, 2021

ساختار حکومتی و سیاسی جمهوری اسلامی ایران، دیکتاتوری تمامیت خواه اسلامی است که مقامات رژیم ایران از ابتدا سعی کردند تا این دیکتاتوری اسلامی را به عنوان دموکراسی معرفی نمایند. اما یک دموکراسی دارای استانداردها و ویژگی های خاصی است. مثلا در یک دموکراسی، نباید تمرکز قدرت وجود داشته باشد در حالی که در ساختار سیاسی جمهوری اسلامی ایران، رهبر یا ولایت فقیه که خامنه ای است، همزمان کنترل مستقیم و حتی قدرت عزل و نصب تمامی سران حکومتی را دارد و هر سه قوای مجریه (دولت) و نظلامی (ارتش و سپاه و پلیس و...) و قضاییه‌ (دادگستری)، همه زیر قدرت و تحت نفوذ خامنه ای هستند. در واقع خامنه ای هم پول، هم اسلحه، هم قدرت اجرایی و هم قانون گذاری و دستگاه قضاوت را در کنترل کامل خود دارد که کمتر دیکتاتوری در طول تاریخ همچنین تمرکز قدرتی داشته است. از طرفی در یک دموکراسی، نباید مقامی سیاسی تا آخر عمر خود در پستی با این قدرت سیاسی باقی بماند. در صورتی که خامنه ای تا اخر عمر خود رهبر باقی خواهد ماند و فقط در صورتی به کنار میرود که بمیرد و یا عدم صلاحیت او توسط مجلس خبرگان، بیان شود. اما مجلس خبرگان کیست؟ اعضای مجلس خبرگان ابتدا توسط اعضای شورای نگهبان تایید شده اند و انتخاب شده اند و سپس از میان کاندیدهای انتخاب شده، توسط مردم انتخاب می شوند. خود اعضای شورای نگهبان توسط خود خامنه ای یا رهبر مطلق جمهوری اسلامی انتخاب شده اند. در واقع افرادی که باید ناظر فعالیت خامنه ای باشند توسط خود شورای نگهبان او، انتخاب شده اند که کاملا بی معنی و غیر عقلانی و غیر استاندارد است.

با اینکه، رای گیری در ایران برگذار میشود اما تمامی کاندیدها باید ابتدا موافقت شروای نگهبان (نمایندگان انتخاب شده ی رهبر یا همان خامنه ای) را برای شرکت در انتخابات کسب کنند. در واقع مهم نیست مردم به چه رییس جمهور یا به چه نماینده ی مجلسی یا به چه نماینده ی خبرگانی رای دهند، زیرا همه ی این افراد از قبل مورد تایید شورای نگهبان که نمایندگان رهبر هستند، قرار گرفته اند و همه ی آنها موافق سیاست های رهبر مطلق ایران یا خامنه ای هستند. این رای گیری کاملا بی معنی است زیرا یکی از شرایط انتخابات سالم، آزاد بودن آن انتخابات است که در ایران این انتخابات و عقاید سیاسی آزاد نیست وزندان ها و شکنجه گاه های ایران پر ازاقلیت های مذهبی و خبرنگاران و زندانیان سیاسی است. جمهوری اسلامی ایران هیچ یک از استاندارد های دموکراسی را ندارد و انتخابات ایران کاملا جعلی و غیر استاندارد است و تنها برای ظاهرسازی صورت نظام برگذار میشوند و از عدم دانش سیاسی مردم ایران برای سال ها سواستفاده شده تا آنها را به پای صندوق رای بکشانند.

اما مردم عزیز ایران، یادمان نرود که اگر ما حتی بخواهیم از حقوق بشر خدادادی خود دفاع کنیم هم باید این دفاع از خود را از راه های مسالمت آمیز انجام دهیم. راههایی مانند شرکت نکردن در انتخابات های رژیم، اعتصابات سراسری، نا فرمانی های مدنی و راهپیمایی های کاملا مسالمت آمیز برای بیان خواسته ها و اعتراضات خود. ما همه انسان هستیم و هرگز نباید به دنبال انتقام باشیم. دفاع شخصی مسالمیت آمیز و ضروری و واقعی درست و خوب است اما انتقام و خشونت و تنفر نباید در ما وجود داشته باشد. یادمان نرود بخشش بهتر از انتقام است و همه ما مخلوق های خداوند عزیز هستیم. ما کسانی که بر علیه ما ستم کرده و گناه کرده اند را میبخشیم تا خداوند عاشق و متعال نیز گناهان ما را ببخشد.


In the link below on Radio Farda site, you can find out how Iran is being ruled right now:

The political structure of the Islamic Republic of Iran is completely a Islamic totalitarian dictatorship with some extra steps. The founders of the Islamic Republic of Iran have tried from the first day of this regime to introduce this regime as a Islamic democracy. First of all, there is no such thing as a Islamic democracy and a democracy cannot be Islamic. And secondly, in fact, a democracy must have some characteristics and norms and standards, otherwise, it is not a democracy. Democracy is not just a name, but it is a fair political system with some characteristics and standards.

for example, in a democracy, there is no absolute centralisation of power while in Iran, the supreme leader who is Ayatollah Khamenei has the absolute political power to control government, parliament, judicial system and all the armed forces and even the head of broadcasting in Iran directly and indirectly. And the worst part is that this guy stays in this political position until he dies or get disqualified by the members of "Assembly of Experts". But who is "Assembly of Experts"?

As you can see on the picture, the only people who can disqualify the supreme leader of Iran are "Assembly of Experts" who is a council who are already confirmed and chosen by "Guardians Council" (before the public election). They have to be confirmed and chosen in advance by "Guardians Council" before getting elected by people. And the thing is that "Guardians Council" are not chosen by people but some of them are chosen by "the Supreme Leader" directly and the rest of the members of Guardians Council are being chosen indirectly by the supreme leader using his "Head of Judacury/Chief Justice of Iran" who, himself, is also been chosen by the supreme leader of Iran!!! That is right, the supreme leader of Iran who is Ayatollah Khamenei has been chosen by the advice of the previous supreme leader and the previous "Assembly of Experts". The current "Assembly of Experts" who is assessors of the supreme leader has been confirmed indirectly by himself before getting elected by people!!!! That is nonsense because you cannot confirm or chose your examiners and assessors. Obviously, your assessors could not be assessed by you in advanced to get your confirmation to be your assessors!!! It is a paradox and nonsense thing.

Additionally, the Supreme Leader of Iran is in charge until he dies or gets disqualified by his own assessed and confirmed assessors ("Assembly of Experts") who are clearly his friends and trusted ones and they got their confirmation at first place by the help of the supreme leader's "Guardians Council".

It is important to talk about the area of responsibilities of the supreme leader of Iran. He is able to:

1- choose, control and even disqualify and change the "Head of Broadcasting" at any time.

2- choose, control and even disqualify and change the "Heads of Armed Forces" at any time.

3- choose, control and even disqualify and change the "Head of Judacury/Chief Justice of Iran" at any time.

4- choose, control and even disqualify and change the "Expediency Council" in any time.

5- choose, control and even disqualify and change the members of "Guardians Council" in any time. ( he decides directly for 6 mollahs and indirectly for 6 lawyers there by the help of his "Head of Judacury/Chief Justice of Iran")

6- Indirectly confirm and choose candidates (before the public election),

and control and even disqualify "The President" by the help of his "Guardians Council".

7- Indirectly confirm and choose candidates (before the public election), control and even disqualify the members of"The Parliament (Majles)" by the help of his "Guardians Council".

8- Indirectly confirm and choose candidates (before the public election), control and even disqualify the members of "Assembly of Experts" by the help of his "Guardians Council".

As you can see, the supreme leader of Iran (Ayatollah Ali Khamenei) has all the Political power, Guns, Money, Judicial system and Regulation system and law, government and even media in his control. Everyone in the Islamic Republic of Iran is directly or indirectly in the supreme leader's command and control!!!

The elections in Iran are neither free nor standard and it does not matter which president or candidate get chosen by people in elections because they have been already chosen by the "Guardians Council" who have been chosen by the supreme leader again ( he decides directly for 6 mollahs and indirectly for 6 lawyers there by the help of his "Head of Judacury/Chief Justice of Iran"). but the other problem is that "Head of Judacury/Chief Justice of Iran" is also chosen directly by The Supreme Leader! Therefore, all the elections in Iran are fake elections and in fact, we do not have a standard election in Iran. Since the supreme leader has had the direct control of media, he uses media to manipulate people's mind to convince them to take part in elections, as if they are effective.

But dear people of Iran, we should remember that if we even want to defend our own God-giving human rights, we should do this self-defence through peaceful ways such as not participating in the regime elections, nationwide strikes, civil disobedience and completely peaceful demonstrations to express our demands and protests. We are all human beings and we should never seek revenge. Peaceful and necessary and authentic self-defence is right and good, but revenge, violence and hatred should not be in us. Let us not forget that forgiveness is better than revenge and we are all creatures of loving God. We forgive those who trespass against us so that loving almighty God forgives us our trespasses.


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